Author: kevinbleigh

Pre-Bidding Methods for Live Lane:


In this case, the auction wants the ability to allow the customers to place a hard bid. Not proxy, and the auction will take the entire bid, as soon as the block clerk opens the bidding.
The customers cannot see each other’s bids until the block clerk starts the bidding.
The Block Clerk may want to see the high bid before opening the bidding to the floor.
As soon as they place a lane bid, the high silent bid is applied.

  1. We should not offer a starting bid box when the auction is loading a car because we will be taking their full bid
  2. The bidding box for the customer should not say “Enter Proxy Bid” instead should say, “ENTER YOUR BID”
  3. When the block clerk enters the starting bid in the lane, the full bid from the online bidders is accepted. And bidding will continue from there.
  4. Bidding is in $100 increments (does not allow odd amounts)
**In Auction Settings: **
Bidding Starts = immediately
Sale Type = Silent
Live Lane = Yes


In this case, the auction wants bidders to be able to enter a proxy bid. But not have the proxy bid take effect until the block clerk starts the lane bidding.
The proxy bids hold until the block clerk places the first lane bid.
Example: Bidder one pre-bids a proxy of $3000, bidder 2 bids a proxy of $4000. The block clerk enters a lane bid of $1000, the high bid would then jump to $3100 with bidder 2 winning.
Bidder 2’s Proxy’s with then continue to be applied in 100 increments agents the lane and or simulcast bidders.

  1. The bidding box for the customer should say “Enter Proxy Bid”
  2. When the block clerk enters the starting bid in the lane, they would receive competing proxy bids.
  3. Bidding is in $100 increments (does not allow odd amounts)
**In Auction Settings: **
Bidding Starts = immediately
Sale Type = Silent
Live Lane = Yes


In this case, the auction wants bidders to be able to enter bids, a proxy both proxy, and increments and have the bidding war begin immediately.
The block clerk and auctioneer may want to be able to see the current high bid before they open the lane for bidding.
When the block clerk opens the lane for bidding, the current high bid is displayed.

**In Auction Settings: **
Bidding Starts = immediately
Sale Type = Open Bid
Live Lane = Yes

Reset Bidder Badges and Assign New

Step 1:

Reset bidder badges by going to settings and clicking “ReSet Bidder Numbers:”

Step 2:

Assign your starting number, by searching for your first customer of the day (or a test customer) and set your starting number.

Simply search for the customer, then click view then edit and set the bidder number: Example set the number to 100.

Step 3:

Check customers in as normal.

WEB APP: add to home [video]

1.Adding the IOS Web App to your home screen #

  • Open Safari App on your phone
  • Navigate to your auction website, provided by Auction Simplified. Example
  • Log In to your site
  • Click on the share button
  • Scroll down until you see [add to Home Screen]
  • then click add
  • DONE, you will now have the app on your Home Screen.
  • Log in and you are ready to use the web app

2.How to add the web app to your Home Screen on Android #

  • Click on Chrome on your phone
  • Navigate over to your auction website provided by Auction Simplified.
  • Log in
  • Once logged in, click on the menu (three dots) at the upper right
  • then click add to home screen
  • Then Click add again.
  • Sometimes it asks if you are sure, just keep saying yes
  • then the icon will show up on your home screen.
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